Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement


This statement has been published in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement.

The requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps taken by the Nationwide Assistance Group Ltd (NWVA, the Group) and its subsidiaries to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking happening within our business and supply chain.

Giving due consideration to applicable criteria, these requirements do not apply to The Group and its subsidiaries directly. However, NWVA has developed its own levels of control in order to better support its clients and customers in fulfilling their regulatory obligations.   


Our Business

NWVA provide solutions in the automotive and recovery area delivering services in areas such as

  • Roadside Recovery
  • Roadside Assistance Services
  • European Assistance
  • Bodyshop Service

NWVA will ensure that their staff are not subject to behaviours or threats that may amount to Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, Forced Labour and or similar Human Rights abuses. NWVA are also committed to tackling, as far as reasonably practicable, Modern Slavery within their supply chains.  



This framework applies to all areas of the NWVA Group associated with the procurement of products and/or services where such services are considered to have a “high risk” of Modern Slavery occurring. 

The nature of the Group’s operations/services is such that it is not perceived to be at “high risk” of Modern Slavery occurring directly within its services.  As such this framework deliberately focuses on ensuring that its procurement practices are undertaken with an appropriate level of due diligence. 

NWVA duly considers that no significant risk of Modern Slavery exists in its supply chain, but they continue to be alert to the ongoing potential for problems to occur. 

The NWVA Group Modern Slavery Policy sets out key actions to ensure we meet the aims of this statement; both of these documents are reviewed on an annual basis.


Focus and Controls

Holding persons in slavery or servitude, requiring persons to perform forced or compulsory labour, and the human trafficking of persons for exploitation, are crimes and violations of fundamental human rights.

NWVA has zero tolerance to any form of slavery or human trafficking and is committed to enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure neither is taking place in our business or in any of our supply chain.

The Group are committed to adhering to the highest levels of ethical standards and behaviour and acting with integrity and transparency in all of our business relationships. We expect our supply chain to deliver the same standards and to adhere to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

  • Employees are required to adhere to our
  • Equal opportunities policy.
  • Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy.
  • Code of Conduct policy.
  • Bribery and corruption policy.
  • Conflicts of interest policy.

NWVA also have controls and processes in place in order to assist in delivering the requirements of this legislation

  • Pre-employment checking and recruitment procedures help us to limit risk and ensure that the recruitment process is fair.
  • We have a consistent approach and structure to manage pay and reward for all staff.
  • Use of labour monitoring.
  •  All employees receive an induction into the business where our policies, procedures and expectations are outlined.
  • We continue to develop our corporate social responsibilities working with local communities and supporting charities.

NWVA recognise the need for us to ensure that our supply chain also adhere to the principles of legislation.

We have a supplier selection criterion, to include financial and business checking, and an onboarding audit. Network Agents and Repairers are contracted to adhere to relevant laws and legislation. We also complete ongoing audits of our supply chain.


Summary & Strategy

In conjunction with our group strategy, we intend to complete the following.

  • Annual review of our policy library to ensure the issues of slavery and human trafficking are properly addressed and make changes and amendments as necessary.
  • Review and develop our procurement procedures for all new and existing suppliers to minimise risk.
  • Review and develop existing training for all staff.

NWVA aims to be able to give reasonable assurance to its clients and customers that appropriate efforts are being made to prevent Modern Slavery in the supply chain. 

Additionally, as NWVA continues to grow, this statement will underpin any future enhancements that may be necessary to ensure we continue to meet our regulatory obligations.



Stephan Surmont
Group Managing Director
NWVA Group


Last Updated: December 24